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  • Reach out to your level officer or flight commander if you don't have access to Cadet365 account.

  • ALL SNOW CANCELLATIONS will be posted here by 17:00 hrs on Wednesdays. Otherwise, class proceeds as usual. 

Enter your email to receive training night cancellation notifications

Unit Information

Wednesday Nights

1830 - 2100 hrs

11 Chopin Dr, Kitchener, ON N2M 2G3

Squadron Phone #: (519) 998-9066   

We only answer phones on Wednesdays from 1830 - 2100 hrs or during squadron-wide activities

Captain Brian Wilson

Commanding Officer

Enrolling Information

See the Recruiting page for more information

Visit for more information on the cadet program.

CI Salt

Administration Officer

New Website

IAW CJR Policy, we have moved our Squadron website to Microsoft Sharepoint. This website will continue to operate for the public and parents/guardians to stay informed. However, details will only be accessible on Microsoft Teams by cadets using their Cadet365 accounts. If any cadets have issues accessing their account, please talk to your level officer/flight commanders.

Show Your Support!

The Cadet program is funded by the Department of National Defence in partnership with the Air Cadet League of Canada. Your support helps us provide cadets with experiences and opportunities that go far beyond the classroom.

If you'd like to make an impact, please consider donating through our online system. Every contribution, big or small makes a difference. Thank you in advance!

Upcoming Dates

Message for Parents/ Guardians

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You are welcome to come in and see the closing at the end of the evening and hear the announcements. Arrive by 2045hrs and you can stand along the walls in the gym. Please respect the parade floor and walk around the outside of the gym.

Please do not stop in front of the school for pick up / drop off.

During cold/snowy weather, please drop off at 18 30 hrs or stay with your child until then, if possible. 

Squadron Teams

Drill Team

Thursdays 1830-2030
530 Sqn
Start : TBD
Open to all levels

Search and Rescue

Concluded for the Year
Start : Jan 16th
OIC: Capt Wilson
Open to all levels

Military Band

Fridays 1800-2000
530 Sqn
Start : 23 FEB 24
OIC: CI Fukudome / CI Zhang
Open to all levels


Thursdays 1830-2030
530 Sqn
Start : TBD
OIC: Capt Wilson
Open to all levels

Effective Speaking

Concluded for the Year
Start : 23 FEB 2024
OIC: OCdt Jang
Open to all levels

Ground School

Fridays 1500-1730
Rotational Schedule
OIC: 2Lt Chenthivelnathan
Level 3 and up

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Disclaimer: This website and its contents belong to the civilian squadron sponsoring committee (SSC) of 530 HAVOC RCACS. This website is not intended to be, nor do they represent in any way, official comments, statistics, or opinions of the Department of National Defence (DND), Canadian Armed Forces (CAF), or the Air Cadet League of Canada.

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